
Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying this major holiday weekend and practicing being "safe & sane". Again, it will be a hot weekend here in California, so please enjoy your bbq's, swimming, and good friends and family, and of course, take lot's of pictures.
I have posted this weeks challenge over at the Tri Community Flickr page, and of course it is shooting fireworks. If you are a student at Tri, please come by and check us out, we are GROWING!
So many people have questions about how to shoot fireworks, so I thought I would use this post to point you in the right direction with lot's of links and info. Of course the main requirement is a tripod. These will be long exposure shots, so to get the image as sharp as possibe, you will have to use one.
Here are some helpful links and information:
And don't forget, 4th of July bbq's and get togethers are great memory makers for kids and adults alike, bring your cameras and record them.
There will be another post on Sunday about what we will be working on next week at Tri, for now, I have to go cover this pasty white body with sun screen.
Have fun!


  1. I also like the tips and will give these a try with my first DSLR ever this weekend too :)

    And here are a list of where to find some Firework!,0,1751307.story

  2. Thank you, adding the where to find fireworks link now
